Author = Khosro Mirakhorlou
Estimation of susceptible land area for wood farming in non-forest lands of Guilan province

Volume 8, Issue 4, September and October 2023, Pages 49-59

fatemeh ahmadloo; Ali-Reza Rezaei; mohsen calagari; Saeedeh Eskandari; sara Teimori; Fatemeh Dargahiyan; Mehdi Farahpour; Khosrow Mirakhorlou

Assessing the distribution of poplar plantations in Ardabil province

Volume 7, Issue 3, July and August 2022, Pages 63-70

younes rostamikia; Khosrow Mirakhorlou; Mohsen Calagari; Reza Talaei; Bayramali beyrami

Implementation of the national plan for the development of wood farming is essential for forests conservation and the supply of wood raw materials in the country

Volume 7, Issue 1, March and April 2022, Pages 9-19

mohsen calagari; Khosro Mirakhorlou; Azadeh Salehi; Fateme Ahmadlou; Sara Teymuri; Abolfazl Jafari; Saeede Eskandari; Reza Bagheri; Mohammad Kazem Araghi; Mohammad Bagher Khodayi; Rafatollah Ghasemi

Area changes of Hyrcanian Forests during 2004 to 2016

Volume 2, Issue 3, July and August 2017, Pages 40-45

Khosro Mirakhorlou; Reza Akhavan