The conservation status of rare species of Bellflowers (Campanula L.) in Iran

Document Type : Rare and Endangered Plant Species of Iran


1 Assistant Prof., Forest and Rangelands Research Department, West Azarbaijan Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Urmia, Iran,

2 Research Expert, Forest and Rangelands Research Department, West Azarbaijan Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Urmia, Iran.

3 Research Expert, Forest and Rangelands Research Department, West Azarbaijan Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Urmia, Iran

4 Professor, Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Teran, Iran

5 . Professor, Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Teran, Iran.



The genus CampanulaL. has 44 species in the flora of Iran, and 18 of them are present in West Azerbaijan province. Seven species are rare, growing in rocky mountainous areas north of the province. The conservation status of species was investigated based on the research method of the national research project and the instructions of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The resulting data were analyzed using GeoCAT software. All seven rare species (C. conferta A.DC., C. coriacea Davis, C. crispa Lam., C. hakkiarica Davis, C. minsteriana Grossh., C. phyctidocalyx Boiss. & Noe and C. propinqua Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) were evaluated. According to the extent of occurrence (EOO), the area occupancy of the species (AOO), the average number of adults in the population, and other indicators, they are placed in the critically endangered category (CR). All habitats, especially the pasture habitat of C. phyctidocalyx, are exposed to exploitation, and the rocky habitats are severely affected by drought and the above factors. The lack of vitality of the bushes and the failure to produce mature seeds indicate this issue. Collecting the seeds of these species and protecting them in the Natural Resources Gene Bank of Iran as ex-situ conservation, along with in-situ conservation by protecting the habitats of these rare species by the Natural Resources and Watershed Organizations, are the solutions for their conservation.


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