Habits and habitats of Populus euphratica Oliv. woodlands in sand dunes and deserts of Aran and Bidgol

Document Type : Over looking Iranian Nature


Associate Prof., Kashan Botanical Garden, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran



The woodlands of Populus euphratica Oliv. are one of the most prominent and unique communities of the Rig-Boland sand dunes of the Aran and Bidgol deserts. This tall plant element is considered the only broad-leaved tree species adapted to the hot, drought, and sandy lands of the central deserts of Iran. The P. euphratica tree belongs to the Salicaceae family. Its geographical distribution range is in the southern and western regions of Iran in the form of woodlands in the sandy and saline soils of the desert ecosystem. A prominent example of such a biological structure has been established in different parts of the Rig-Boland sand dunes of the Aran and Bidgol deserts (located in the north of Isfahan province), which preferably have a high-water table. The woodlands of P. euphratica are in dense and compact spots or the form of specific colonies, along with other species such as Prosopis farcta, Nitraria schoberi, Cressa cretica, and Zygophyllum eichwaldii, and create distinctive plant communities in the expanse of sand dunes. Populus euphraticaoften grows in two vegetative forms, trees and shrubs, depending on the conditions of the location. This tree's propagation method in the suitable area is possible through pruning and creating shoots on horizontal roots and cuttings. The natural habitats of this tree play a prominent role in protecting the soil and stabilizing the flowing sands. Populus euphratica, as a tall tree element adapted to drought, high heat, and salty and alkaline soils, can often be used to develop the green space of parks in hot and dry regions of the country.


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