The conservation status of two species of Centaurea

Document Type : Rare and Endangered Plant Species of Iran


1 Senior Research Expert, Nowshahr Botanical Garden, Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, (AREEO), Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Prof., Nowshahr Botanical Garden, Research Institute of forest and rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, (AREEO), Tehran, Iran.

3 Prof., Research Institute of forest and rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, (AREEO), Tehran, Iran.


The conservation status of two endemic species of the genus Centaurea, including C. aziziana and C. kandavanensis of the Asteraceae family, were evaluated and defined based on IUCN threat categories and criteria. Based on IUCN guidelines, three criteria were used to evaluate the status of these species: The Extent of Occurrence (EOO), Area of Occupancy (AOO), and size of populations. Based on field studies and plot sampling, for C. aziziana, the Area of Occupancy was estimated at 4.4 Km2, but 36 Km2 using GeoCAT software. The Extent of Occurrence was estimated to be 62034.124 Km2, defined as the Least Concern (LC) species. According to our results, C. aziziana is an endangered (EN) species. For C. kandavanensis, the Extent of Occurrence was estimated to be 3375 Km2, defined as an endangered (EN)species, and the Area of Occupancy was estimated at 4.3 Km2 based on field studies and plot sampling, but 32 Km2 using GeoCAT software. According to our results, C. kandavanensis is defined as an endangered (EN) species. The results of this study showed that although both species are well established in their habitats in screes on roadsides and have natural regeneration, they are constantly threatened due to development activities and human interventions. The field observation indicated that road construction was the main threatening factor for these species that have ornamental value. Ex-situ conservation of these species can be implemented by planting them in botanical gardens. Meanwhile, they can be propagated, domesticated, and introduced as ornamental species. 


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