Principles of identification and introduction of seed production areas of Arasbaran Juniper (Juniperus foetidissima)

Document Type : Scientific Letters


1 Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands

2 Plant breeding and biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz


According to the development of Iran's natural resources in horizon 1404, afforestation and reforestation of about 2,200,000 hectares in the fourth five-year plans are predicted, of which 100,000 hectares are related to Arasbaran forest. Identification of seed sources and forming seed orchards is one of the safest ways to supply standard seeds and seedlings to achieve the goals of the natural resources development document so that 1) standard seeds are provided to the executive organization and 2) genetic drift of the forest does not occur. Juniper (Juniperus foetidissima Willd) is one of the endangered species that has a special role in the composition and diversity of Arasbaran forests. This species is highly resistant to adverse environmental conditions, and now most of its trees are in the harshest living conditions. In this study, based on the number of seed production areas and their distribution, the number of trees and the distance between them, the area of seed production zones, and the characteristics of elite trees, eight areas in the Arasbaran forest were identified as primary seed production areas. The geographical coordinates and map of these areas show a suitable and balanced geographical distribution for the juniper seed production area in the Arasbaran forests. Conducting molecular studies, progeny testing, and genetics studies on these trees can be very useful for studying the genetic diversity and structure, preparing the molecular identity, and determining the genetic affinities between and within different juniper populations to establish a seed orchard.


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