Management principles of mechanization development in natural resources

Document Type : Scientific Views


1 Mechanization Research Division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran

2 Member of scientific of Research Institute of Forests and RangelandsÙˆ Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran

3 Research institute of Forest and rangelands/Agricultural Research Education and Extention Organization/Tehran/Iran


Phenomena such as population growth and climate change are raising issues such as food security and environmental protection. As a result, the implementation of sustainable management in agriculture and the need to preserve, rehabilitate and develop natural resources such as forests and pastures and to deal with phenomena such as desertification and water crisis are becoming more and more apparent. For example, in sub-Saharan Africa, known as Black Africa, despite investment, food insecurity has continued to spread from east to west due to population growth, and food imports Increased over the past 40 years. Also, the issue of food security and environment is a very important and vital issue in the countries of the Middle East, from Iran to Morocco (Emami et al., 2018). One of the best solutions to deal with these crises is to pay attention to the mechanization development and management. Think about the main goals of mechanization determine that the lost golden key in achieving the main goals of agriculture and natural resources is the development of mechanization. Unfortunately, the lack of sufficient knowledge of the main concepts of mechanization and partiality of issues has caused most people think mechanization only is, machinery in traditional processes, and the purpose of mechanization development is only to increase power in area. Of course, no thinking denies the effective role of technology in various fields of agriculture and natural resources, but what is ignored in this case is the attention to the issue of management principles of mechanization development.


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Emami, M., Almassi, M., Bakhoda, H. and Kalantari, I., 2018. Agricultural mechanization, a key to food security in developing countries: strategy formulating for Iran. Agriculture & Food Security, 7(24): 1-12.