Conservation of planted rangelands and forests in desert areas of the country: Challenges and solutions

Document Type : Scientific Views


1 Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran

2 Research Institute of Forests and RangelandTehran, Iran


Most of the forests in the arid regions of Iran are located in the Iran-Turani ecological region. Ecosystems of arid and semi-arid regions due to their physical and environmental features are strongly affected by the constituents of the ecosystem. Therefore, plants in this area due to high resistance to heat and temperature fluctuations, salinity, and drought play a significant role in the protection of the soil and animals. Some important and effective challenges in forestry in desert areas include selecting the appropriate species and adapted to the conditions of the region, using the maximum variety of species, planting host plants in the centers of pest and disease, health, and the quality of seedlings and shrubs, application of beneficial soil microorganisms, paying attention to the longevity of trees and shrubs in annual afforestation, implementation of intelligent pest and plant disease monitoring, and continuous and effective communication between different organizations. Considering that forest protection is one of the important indicators of sustainable development of any country, thus the protection and restoration of them are vital and important. The cooperation and participation of the people, governments, and executive institutions are essential to maintain ecological balance and ensure the future.


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