Author = Tayebeh Amini
Guilan Province- Shafaroud

Volume 7, Issue 5, November and December 2022, Pages 128-128

Tayyebeh Amini

Khorasan province

Volume 7, Issue 4, September and October 2022, Pages 132-132

Tayyebe Amini


Volume 7, Issue 3, July and August 2022, Pages 136-136

Tayebe Amini

Introducing of some distribution areas of two ancient Conifers of Iran

Volume 6, Issue 1, January and February 2021, Pages 81-93

Habib Zare; Aََdel Jalili; Tayebeh Amini; Morteza Ebrahimi Rastaghi

Kojoor, Hasan Abad

Volume 5, Issue 6, January and February 2021, Pages 68-68

Tayyebeh Amini

The importance of moss biodiversity conservation in Iran

Volume 2, Issue 4, September and October 2017, Pages 56-69

Habib Zare; Lars Hedenäs; Moslem Akbarinia; Tayyebe Amini