Author = Seyed Naghi Khaleghi Trujeni
Pheromone and light traps are useful agents for monitoring and control of box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis; Lep., Crambidae)

Volume 8, Issue 1, March and April 2023, Pages 73-79

Farzaneh Kazerani; Mohammad Ebrahim Farashiani; Samira Farahani; Masoumeh Zamani; Mina Kouhjani Gorji; Seyed Naghi Khaleghi Trujeni

A Review of biology of Box tree moth in forests of northern Iran

Volume 7, Issue 6, January and February 2023, Pages 39-46

Samira Farahani; Mohammad Ebrahim Farashiani; Farzaneh Kazerani; Mina Kouhjani-Gorji; Seyed Naghi Khaleghi Trujeni