Introduction of a number of medicinal plants with economic importance in West Azerbaijan Province

Document Type : Scientific Letters


1 Senior Research Expert, Research Division of Natural Resources, West Azerbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research And Education Center, AREEO, Urmia, Iran

2 Research Expert, Research Division of Natural Resources, West Azerbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research And Education Center, AREEO, Urmia, Iran


Medicinal species are of great importance and can be effective in the health, livelihood and economy of people in each region. Due to the ecological situation and demographic and cultural context, West Azerbaijan Province has a wide range of natural and agricultural lands for the expansion of utilization and cultivation of medicinal plants. Frequent visits by enthusiasts from the research center and query about the medicinal species available in the natural arena as well as species suitable for planting necessitate publishing the names of medicinal species. According to the identification of the collected specimens, the number of medicinal species in the province is 470. The questionnaires were distributed to traditional markets (Urmia, Mahabad, and Khoy) and customs of the province to collect economic data on buying and selling market of medicinal plants in the province. Around 130 species of medicinal plants in the province are very important. Currently, more than 40 species are being bought and sold and shipped abroad as medicinal plants or consumed in domestic processing centers. These 40 species could be the best thing to invest in.


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