Author = Naser Farrar
Distribution of American Mesquite (Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC) in the Saharo-Sindian region of Iran-Bushehr province

Volume 9, Issue 2, July and August 2024, Pages 31-36

Seyed Mousa Sadeghi; Kourosh Behnamfar; Abolfazl Jaafari; Kahzad Sartavi; Naser Farrar; Seyed Reza Golestaneh; Hasan Kazeruni

Pest monitoring of forest habitats with an emphasis on emerging pests in the Sahara-Sindi vegetation zone

Volume 8, Issue 4, September and October 2023, Pages 25-37

Seyed Reza Golestaneh; Naser Farar; Mohamad Ebrahim Far Ashtiani; Seyed Mousa Sadeghi; Ali Abasi; Mohammad Yousef Achak; Fatemeh Koohpayma

Decline of natural habitats in the Sahara-Sindi region of Iran and the necessity of their management and conservation (Part I: Mangrove forests)

Volume 7, Issue 5, November and December 2022, Pages 23-33

Musa Sadeghi; Naser Farar; Fatemeh Kuhpeyma; Kohzad Sartavi

Habitat presentation, phenology, factors of destruction and necessity of protection and rehabilitation of Acacia albida Delile

Volume 5, Issue 6, January and February 2021, Pages 37-45

Seid Musa Sadeghi; Naser Farrar; Mitra Emami; Fatemeh Gholamian; Kahzad Sartavi; Hasan Kazerouni

Values, benefits and use of Calotropis procera in Southern Iran

Volume 5, Issue 1, March and April 2020, Pages 41-48

Naser Farrar; Seid Mousa Sadeghi; Seid Reza Golestaneh; Farzad Karampour

The management of seed beetle Caryedon serratus Oliver on Prosopis cineraria Druce (L.) in Bushehr province

Volume 4, Issue 3, July and August 2019, Pages 37-42

Seid Reza Golestaneh; Ebrahim Azizkhani; Fatemeh Gholamian; Naser Farrar