Author = Behnam Hamzeh
Evaluation of plant diversity and regeneration in Zagros forest habitats

Volume 9, Issue 5, November and December 2024, Pages 29-34

hooman Ravanbakhsh; Mahdi Pourhashemi; Behnam Hamzeh; Farahnaz Rashidi; Yaghoub Iranmanesh; Kazem Bordbar; Hassan Jahanbazi; Parvin Ramak; Azad Rastegar; Sajad Alimahmoudi; Yousef Askari; Masoumeh Khamhasani; Ali Mohammadian; Mashaallah Mohammadpour; Mohammadreza Negehdar saber; Jalal Henareh Khalyani; Ali Najafifar; Habibollah Rahimi

The Impact of High-Rise Buildings on the National Botanical Garden of Iran

Volume 9, Issue 1, March and April 2024, Pages 67-86

Ahmad Rahmani; Morteza Hadi Jaberi Moghadam; Ali Qomi Oili; Behnam Hamzehee; Mohammad Matinizadeh; Mostafa Khoshnevis; Parisa Panahi

Book Review: Wetland ecology with an especial approach on wetland habitats of Southern Alborz

Volume 5, Issue 6, January and February 2021, Pages 131-135

Behnam Hamzeh

Comparison of soil seed bank and vegetation in semi-steppe rangelands of Zanjan province, Case study: Anguran protected area, Ghara-Boogh station

Volume 5, Issue 5, November and December 2020, Pages 69-80

Behnam Hamzeh; Parvaneh Ashoori; Adel Jalili; Rafat Habibi; Seid Ahmad Mousavi

Investigating the role of gene banks in preserving the country's genetic resources

Volume 5, Issue 5, November and December 2020, Pages 101-115

Ahmad Rahmani; Ziba Jamzad; Mohammad Jafar Aghaei; Behzad Sorkhi; Behnam Hamzehee

The role of gene banks in preserving the country's genetic resources

Volume 5, Issue 4, September and October 2020, Pages 91-107

Ahmad Rahmani; Ziba Jamzad; Mohammad Jafar Aghaei; Behzad Sorkhi; Behnam Hamzehee

Seed bank structure in semi-steppe rangelands of West Azerbayjan Province

Volume 5, Issue 3, July and August 2020, Pages 49-57

Parisa Panahi; Behnam Hamzeh’ee; Adel Jalili; Ahmad Ahmadi; Maryam Hasaninejad

The importance of Poaceae in nature and human life

Volume 2, Issue 6, January and February 2018, Pages 46-55

Behnam Hamzeh’ee; Adel Jalili

Conservation status of Echium khuzistanicum Mozaffarian

Volume 2, Issue 2, May and June 2017, Pages 100-103

Mehri Dinarvand; Behnam Hamzehee